Omineca Region |
Biolog Recovery and Utilization for Energy Plant |
Fort St. James Fuel Co Limited Partnership |
Forest Carbon |
This project enables the Fort St. James Green Energy facility to utilize low-grade pulp and biolog fibre that would otherwise be burned. The fibre will either be trucked in whole log form, or be ground on site and then trucked to the facility. The project will enable several forest tenure holders operating in the Stuart Nechako Resource District to transport the low-grade fibre from harvest blocks to the energy plant. This project helps to support the Province’s greenhouse gas reduction targets. |
Fort St. James |
Recovery and Utilization of Residual Fibre near Mackenzie |
1040806 B.CLtd. |
Forest Carbon |
This project enables low-grade pulp and biolog fibre that would otherwise be burned to be recovered and trucked to either the East Fraser Fibre chipping plant in Mackenzie or the Fort St. James Green Energy facility. From there, the fibre is then either used in the energy plant or made available for purchase and use by other secondary fibre users in the region such as Mackenzie Pulp. This project helps to support the Province’s greenhouse gas reduction targets by augmenting the transportation of low-grade fibre from harvest blocks to be utilized rather than burned. |
Mackenzie |
Road Rehabilitation in the Burns Lake area |
SERNbc |
Forest Carbon |
This project involved the rehabilitation of inactive forest roads. Activities included the reforestation of old roads to increase the amount of land base contributing to carbon sequestration, timber supply, and wildlife habitat objectives, while supporting the achievement of B.C.'s and Canada's climate change targets. |
Burns Lake |
Fertilization Application |
Erafor Forestry Ltd. |
Forest Carbon |
This project resulted in fertilization of 5016 ha’s of forested land in the northern portion of the Prince George resource district.Activities included planning, road improvements to access staging sites, and the aerial fertilization treatments. |
Prince George |
Biolog Recovery and Utilization in the Fort St. James area |
Sasuchan Development Corporation |
Forest Carbon |
This project enables the recovery and utilization of low-grade pulp and biolog fibre that would otherwise be burned. The fibre will either be trucked in whole log form, or be ground on site and then trucked to the end use facility. The project helps the Sasuchan Development Corporation move the low-grade fibre from blocks and helps to support the Province’s greenhouse gas reduction targets. |
Fort St. James |
Canfor Pulp - Utilization of Residual Fibre |
Canfor - Prince George Pulp and Paper |
Forest Carbon |
This project enables low-grade pulp fibre that would otherwise be burned to be utilized from areas in the Peace and Fraser-Fort George regional districts and trucked to Canfor Pulp and Paper in Prince George, B.C. Canfor Pulp Prince George will then utilize pulp logs for pulp and paper production. Recovery of the low-grade fibre enhances utilization, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and helps maintain and generate employment. |
Prince George |
Mackenzie Pulp - Fibre Recovery andUtilization |
Mackenzie Pulp Mill Corporation |
Forest Carbon |
This project enables low-grade pulp fibre that would otherwise be burned to be recovered and trucked to the East Fraser Fibre and Duz Cho chipping plants and then utilized by Mackenzie Pulp. Forest license holders operating in the Mackenzie Resource District are now able to transport low-grade fibre from their harvest blocks to Mackenzie to be utilized rather than burned. This project helps to support the Province’s greenhouse gas reduction targets. |
Mackenzie |
McBride Community Forest - Grinding Roadside Residuals |
Pacific Bioenergy |
Fibre Recovery |
This project enabled the utilization of uneconomic, non-merchantable low-grade fibre accumulations resulting from harvesting activities in the McBride Community Forest. Instead of being burned, the fibre was ground and hauled to the Pacific BioEnergy pellet facility in Prince George. This project helped to support the Province’s greenhouse gas reduction targets, provide employment, and maximize fibre utilization. |
McBride |
Fraser Lake Community Forest - Integrated Haul |
The Corporation of the Village of Fraser Lake |
Fibre Recovery |
This project will help the Fraser Lake Community Forest transport uneconomic residual waste fibre to the Pinnacle Pellet plant in Burns Lake. With FESBC funding, the intended outputs are to remove 17,838 cubic meters of pulp wood from the landscape and for the Fraser Lake Community Forest to sell it to Pinnacle Pellet. Removing the fibre from the landbase will provide three benefits for the Fraser Lake Community Forest: first, there will be economic opportunity to the local area, second, the integrated haul project would allow for a significant reduction in the amount dead and downed pine left on the landscape, and third, the removal of wood that would have been left on site to decay reduces the amount wildfire risk. The utilization of the low value fibre creates jobs in the community forest and supports the achievement of B.C.'s and Canada's climate change targets by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. |
Fraser Lake |
Mackenzie Increased Fiber Utilization |
East Fraser Fiber |
Fibre Recovery |
Utilization of residual waste fibre by the East Fraser Chipping plant in Mackenzie, B.C. and further distribution to other secondary fibre users in the North Central Interior. East Fraser Fiber is an independent, whole log chipping plant which has been supplying wood chips to pulp mills for decades. This project will maintain much needed jobs in Mackenzie and help to avoid pile burning emissions as well as improve fibre utilization from existing cutting permits outside the current economic reach for low grade fibre. The avoidance of pile burning results in fewer greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to the achievement of B.C.'s and Canada's climate change targets. |
Mackenzie |
Vanderhoof (VanJam) Wildfire Management Planning |
SERNbc |
Wildfire Risk Reduction |
This project included the review and update of the Vanderhoof and Fort St. James area wildfire management plan, and development of additional fuel management prescriptions to facilitate and guide future treatment activities. The result will be increased protection for communities and infrastructure. |
Vanderhoof |
Kenny Dam Wildfire Planning and Prescriptions |
SERNbc |
Wildfire Risk Reduction |
This project involved the development of an ecosystem restoration plan for the Kenny Dam Wildfire and subsequent development of wildfire treatment prescriptions based on values identified by resource stakeholders, First Nations, and nature of the ecosystem. The result will be safer communities. |
Vanderhoof |
Tabor Mountain Strategic Plan and Implementation |
Tabor Mountain Recreational Society |
Stand Rehabilitation |
The goal of this project was to better align provincial strategy and the Tabor Mountain Recreation Society's Management Plan with the aim to improve long-term management outcomes in the area, located approximately 20 km east of Prince George BC. This process involved a number of components including: (1) mapping and GIS inventory to identify and highlight planning areas, (2) drafting of a strategic plan to coordinate an integrated resource management, (3) reviewing stand management strategies, (4) monitoring effectiveness of activities, and (5) communications and consultation with area stakeholders. The result was improved harmonization of forest recreation with other forest values. |
Prince George |
Fire Hazard Reduction by Utilization of Waste |
FLNRORD Stuart/Nechako |
Wildfire Risk Reduction |
This project is just starting and will involve planning, mapping, and treatments on a priority wildfire fuel break polygon identified by the Stuart Nechako Resource District. |
Vanderhoof |
Highway 39 Fuel Reduction Project |
District of Mackenzie |
Wildfire Risk Reduction |
This project is focused on wildfire risk reduction and includes planning, prescriptions, and treatment on high-priority polygons along the Hwy 39 corridor. This corridor is the only main egress route for the community of Mackenzie, BC. The target treatment areas align with the recently updated District of Mackenzie Community Wildfire Protection Plan. Activities include planning and prescription development, harvesting, understory pruning and thinning, and forest floor fuel piling and burning.If feasible, the residual waste fibre resulting from the treatment will be utilized by secondary fibre users in Mackenzie. |
Mackenzie |
Wildfire Risk Reduction Planning and Prescriptions near Vanderhoof, BC |
SERNbc |
Wildfire Risk Reduction |
This project focused on the development of a restoration plan and treatment prescriptions for areas impacted by a wildfire near Vanderhoof BC.The goal was to identify treatments that would promote ecosystem function, stability, and resilience in an area heavily impacted by wildfire. |
Vanderhoof |
Pilot Mountain Communication TowerWildfire Risk Reduction Plan |
Erafor Forestry Ltd. |
Wildfire Risk Reduction |
This project supported the development of a fuel management prescription to reduce wildfire risk to protect critical emergency communications infrastructure located on Pilot Mountain, northwest of Prince George, B.C. |
Prince George |
PG Woodlot Assoc - Wildfire Threat Mitigation |
Prince George Woodlot Association |
Wildfire Risk Reduction |
This project involved wildfire threat mapping, the development of fuel management prescriptions, and assessment of potential fibre utilization associated with the future treatment areas.Activities were coordinated by the Prince George Woodlot Association. |
Prince George, Various |