Meet Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) Operations Manager: Tyler Field

The Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) recently added a new Operations Manager to its team. Meet Tyler Field, a Registered Professional Forester (RPF) with 25 years of experience in the forest sector.

Growing up in Vancouver, Tyler always enjoyed escaping from the ‘big city’ to immerse himself in the outdoors, often going camping and skiing.

“When I was applying for post-secondary education, I saw the forestry program offered at the University of British Columbia and thought that would be a good way to find a career working outside,” said Tyler.  “I had no idea what forestry was about, as there was no connection in my family to the industry.”

After his first year of university, Tyler got a job in Gold River on Vancouver Island working with Pacific Forest Products and never looked back.

“I loved my first-year work experience. The opportunity to find meaningful work and live in small communities was a perfect fit for me as it enabled me to do all the things I loved to do,” he explained.

Since starting with Western Forest Products on Vancouver Island and Haida Gwaii, Tyler has worked in several different roles, including Contract Manager, Quality Control Manager (for logs), Resident/Operations Forester (overseeing industrial forestry operations), Timber Cruiser (counting and measuring trees), and Layout Engineer (designing forest road systems and timber harvesting plans). Most recently, he was the Operations Manager at the Nootka Forest Operation in Gold River.

These different roles throughout his career have given Tyler the skills and expertise needed to move into the operations manager role with FESBC, with confidence.

As one of FESBC’s operations manager, some of Tyler’s responsibilities include working with proponents to ensure projects become successful, and networking with potential proponents, government ministries, First Nations, and industry leaders to promote FESBC.

Over the years, he has found the most rewarding part of his career to be the opportunity to work in a variety of forest landscapes across the province and do meaningful work that helps create jobs and utilize a renewable resource.

Tyler is excited to work alongside a highly motivated and efficient team, as well as be able to work with local people throughout British Columbia.

“I am looking forward to working on projects that will help enhance the forests, the environment, communities, and lives of all people in British Columbia” he added. “Working in the industry my whole career to date, shifting to a role where I am able to give back to projects that have profound social purposes, that will enhance forests, provide jobs where they are needed, and utilize wood fibre that would normally be left in the bush, is all truly exciting to me.”

Beyond his professional life, Tyler enjoys outdoor adventures with his family and friends. In the winter, he enjoys skiing at Mount Cain, and during the summer, he spends weekends sailing. He also enjoys playing tennis, golf, and squash, and loves fishing and hunting whenever the opportunities arise. He considers himself to be a long-time Canucks and Blue Jays fan.

FESBC’s Executive Director Steve Kozuki said, “Tyler brings strong knowledge, skills and abilities to the FESBC team, particularly with respect to his systematic approach to forest worker safety and his incredibly deep experience in overseeing large scale private sector industrial forestry operations. With his vast expertise, dedication to the betterment of our forests and communities, and undeniable passion, Tyler is set to make a positive impact on FESBC. Welcome to FESBC, Tyler!”

Meet Forest Enhancement Society of BC Operations Manager: Travis Emsland

The Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) welcomes a new Operations Manager to its team. Meet Travis Emsland, a Registered Professional Forester (RPF) with over 20 years of work experience in the forestry sector.

Initially drawn to forestry because of the opportunities it presented to work outdoors and the variety of avenues to pursue within the sector, Travis began his career as a tree planter in northern Manitoba.

He attended the University of Alberta in Edmonton, graduating in 2001 and obtained his RPF (Registered Professional Forester) status in Alberta two years later. From there on, Travis worked as a partner in a consulting firm in Slave Lake, Alberta where he specialized as a Silviculture Forester.

In June 2019, he was offered a position in British Columbia as a Stewardship Forester with the Ministry of Forests’ Rocky Mountain Resource District, which led him to relocate with his family to Cranbrook and obtain his British Columbia RPF designation a few months later. Travis worked exclusively from that point forward in the Wildfire Risk Reduction program until April of this year when he joined FESBC.

Travis will primarily provide strategic oversight for FESBC’s programs related to wildfire risk reduction.

“This role will include working with our project proponents and our colleagues at PricewaterhouseCoopers to ensure that FESBC projects maximize the achievement of multiple benefits. Projects can be designed to not only reduce wildfire risk to communities, but at the same time also improve wildlife habitat, create recreational opportunities, reduce greenhouse gasses, manage for healthier resilient forests, and generate economic benefits for local people” he shared.

As he begins his journey with FESBC, Travis has found a deep sense of appreciation for the team’s support, as well as the diversity of backgrounds and experiences everyone brings to the table.

“My colleagues here at FESBC are wonderful people to work with. My favourite aspect of my job is the conversations I have with people who are looking to do unique things that will benefit all British Columbians. The field tours throughout the province to see FESBC funded projects are fantastic as well.”

He is looking forward to travelling throughout British Columbia and seeing first-hand how local people are making a difference, especially with respect to increasing fibre utilization with their projects and reducing wildfire risk to communities, taking action on climate change, and so much more, plus being involved with the FireSmart BC Committee.   

During his free time, Travis enjoys staying active and hanging out with his partner, Lenore and their daughters Kennedy and Nicole. In the winter, he plays hockey, curls, and swims, and during the summer, he spends most of his time paddle-boarding, biking, or golfing. He really enjoys tackling woodworking projects in his backyard and would like to get into fly-fishing in the near future.

FESBC Executive Director Steve Kozuki said “With his extensive expertise around wildfire risk reduction and passion for forestry in general, Travis is set to make a positive impact on FESBC and contribute to the continued well-being of British Columbia’s forests and people. Welcome to FESBC, Travis!”

The Forest Enhancement Society of BC Seeks New Executive Director

Kamloops, B.C. – With Executive Director Steve Kozuki retiring from Public Service to enjoy new adventures in life, the Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) is seeking a dynamic individual to become its new Executive Director.

“This role has been very fulfilling,” shared Kozuki. “After leading the organization for almost seven years, it’s time for someone else to experience the profound satisfaction of driving great forestry projects to generate durable social, economic, and environmental benefits. The Forest Enhancement Society of BC is a catalyst that empowers local people to create deep transformational shifts.”

Steve Kozuki; Photo credit: Tiffany Christianson.

Kozuki was initially attracted to FESBC because he saw it as an opportunity to use forestry to create significant benefits for people and the environment. The work has not disappointed.

“Like many late-career professionals, I wanted to do impactful things with a higher social purpose. The Forest Enhancement Society of BC was a once-in-career opportunity to couple private-sector business acumen with noble public-sector values.”

Kozuki shared that his favourite FESBC projects are ones that have resulted in multiple win-win benefits, including when:

  • The Taan people in Haida Gwaii who harvested middle-aged trees to make room for commercially and culturally valuable cedar. The project resulted in the opportunity to create more light for seeds and berries to grow to support the whole ecological food chain, while accelerating the achievement of old-growth attributes.
  • The Williams Lake First Nation which decided that, while it was good to thin out and fertilize a middle-aged forest to increase wood supply, it was equally important to make space for increased berry production for food.
  • Tŝilhqot’in people who applied their cultural philosophy of not wasting any part of a precious resource which drove them to use waste wood from the forest to create sustainable forest products and green energy.
  • The Okanagan Nation Alliance that thinned over-grown forests to restore sheep habitat, make communities safer from the risk of wildfire, create healthier forests that would be more resilient to climate change, reduce greenhouse gasses, and improve recreational opportunities.
  • The many Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities who have used FESBC funded projects to create jobs for people with numerous positive social and economic outcomes.

Kozuki is also very proud of how FESBC has assisted communities channel their concerns about climate change into real action. Many are now using forestry solutions to absorb more carbon from the atmosphere and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from slash-burning. In terms of emissions, forest workers working on FESBC-funded projects have taken the equivalent of over a million cars off the road for a year.

“I believe all the crucial pieces are now in place for FESBC to achieve even greater success in the years to come, which is a great opportunity for our next Executive Director,” noted Kozuki. “We have reliable long-term funding, a sound strategy guided by our astute Board of Directors, top-tier staff, a strong reputation as the preferred funding agency, powerful brand recognition, and deep alliances with an array of other organizations. I look forward to helping with the transition for our new Executive Director. The future of FESBC and its role in the forestry sector is bright.”

To apply for the Executive Director’s position, read the full details here:

FESBC would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Forests.

Meet FESBC Executive Assistant: Kathy Dupuis

The Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) has recently welcomed a familiar face back to its team, adding a dynamic member who is no stranger to the Kamloops office. Meet Kathy Dupuis, returning in a new part-time role as the Executive Assistant.

Kathy’s journey with FESBC began years ago when she served as the organization’s first Office Manager. Now, she is ecstatic to rejoin the team and collaborate with the fresh faces and dedicated board of directors. Fondly reminiscing about the early days of setting up the Kamloops office, Kathy recalls the excitement of their inaugural funding intake.

“We had our very first funding intake the day after I started with FESBC in August of 2016,” she recalls, “Although the intake was small, when I read through the application materials, I realized how important this forest enhancement work would be. Seven years later – that hasn’t changed.”

Prior to her time at FESBC, Kathy accumulated invaluable experience in both government and industry offices, providing unwavering support to staff and senior management in diverse capacities. Graduating from Thompson Rivers University in 2007, Kathy has continuously expanded her skillset, with a particular passion for writing and editing. She eagerly anticipates contributing to the FESBC communications team by assisting with website postings.

In fact, you’ll often find Kathy comfortably nestled at home, diligently working on various projects. However, she also relishes quality time with her two grown children and her daughter-in-law, often hosting delightful dinner and movie nights. Currently, the family has embarked on an adventurous endeavor to watch all 28 James Bond movies. And when she’s not immersed in cinematic espionage, Kathy can be found belting out karaoke tunes with her friends or embarking on exciting hiking trips. This year, their plans include a week-long exploration of the breathtaking Fernie region.

One thing that remains unchanged is Kathy’s commitment to helping people and working to ensure both staff and board have what they need in order to be able to do their work. “I feel so lucky to be able to contribute to a team where my values align so closely with the work we do here at FESBC.”

Meet FESBC Office Manager: Joyce Clarke

The Forest Enhancement Society of British Columbia (FESBC) recently added a new office manager to its team. Joyce Clarke, who brings over 25 years of administrative experience in Office Management, Human Resources, Accounting and, as an Executive Assistant, will be working with the team to help keep processes running smoothly behind-the-scenes.

Throughout her career, Joyce gathered diverse work experience through industries such as drilling and manufacturing, as well as experience in both government and non-profit organizations.

“I applied to FESBC because I wanted to make a difference, even if it’s small. I also wanted a position where I could use my skillset and I felt this was a perfect fit,” said Joyce, who has a knack for organizing and implementing successful policies and procedures.

Within her first month of working with FESBC, Joyce got an opportunity to go on-site for one of the prescriptions FESBC had funded in Logan Lake and she found this hands-on approach to working very informative.

“I learned so many things and it really confirmed that I am in an organization where I belong. I like working in the office, but it is really nice to see the work we are doing and how it impacts communities in real-time,” said Joyce.

As FESBC’s office manager, Joyce is responsible for taking care of details for the office, bookkeeping, etc. But she also wears an executive assistant hat, helping the FESBC team wherever needed.

Joyce was born in Ontario in a small town, but while growing up, due to her father’s work, she moved around Ontario a lot, and even moved to Yukon when she was 14 years of age. When she got married, she moved to B.C. with her husband, and she now considers B.C. home.

Her diverse background was part of what attracted her to FESBC’s work.

“I like working as a team and working in a diverse group and I believe with FESBC, I will get that,” explained Joyce. “I believe in giving back, I like taking care of the environment and I like living in harmony with First Nations and all of this also lines up with the work FESBC does; so, it’s great!”

When not at work, Joyce enjoys spending time with her family, hanging out with her yorkie/pom Pebbles, going on camping trips in the summer, and attending music festivals with friends.

On occasion, Joyce dabbles in creative writing and likes to write personal poetry for those who have touched her in some way.

If you ever get the chance to stop by the FESBC office in Kamloops, don’t be surprised if cookies show up, or seasonal decorations are put up, as Joyce likes to bring a touch of hominess to her working environment!

Meet FESBC Operations Manager: Brian Watson

The Forest Enhancement Society of British Columbia (FESBC), recently added to its team a new Operations Manager, Brian Watson, who brings 28 years of forestry experience in Silviculture, Operations, Project Management, and Policy. His main motivation in coming to FESBC has been to combine all of his past experiences with his out-of-the-box thinking and his desire to bring about more connections between foresters and First Nations.

Before coming to FESBC, and early in his career Brian worked for MacMillan Bloedel, then Weyerhaeuser, and was most recently employed with the Office of the Chief Forester, working in the Forest Carbon and Climate Services Branch. Through that work, he was fortunate to collaborate with talented researchers, scientists, administrators, carbon modellers and other foresters, to breathe life into the Forest Carbon Initiative.

But Brian’s love for forestry can be traced all the way back to his childhood.

“When I was young, forestry was always in the news with lots of debates around forestry and logging. My dad actually had aspirations of being a forester when he was young. Although he never did become a forester, I was taken by his desire and became curious about the sector,” added Brian, who grew up in Ladner, B.C., a farming and fishing community.

Brian received his diploma from BCIT in Renewable Resources and a degree from UBC – a Bachelor of Science in Forestry.

“For me Forestry was, and is a great opportunity to work outdoors; it is a super relevant industry to B.C., and what we do really matters,” noted Brian. “It’s dynamic –where we are trying to create an economy for the province, we are trying to manage the forests sustainably with climate change related uncertainty, and we are trying to do this while thinking differently about the social implication of it all. Reconciliation with Indigenous people is bound to land management, and as we start to look at ourselves as caretakers more and more, as we work together as communities, forestry is becoming more and more of a compelling industry to be a part of.”

Brian has also worked with the Ktunaxa Nation, and that experience has provided him with some very important teaching moments he is looking to bring into his work with FESBC.

“I am hoping to apply my learnings from working with the Ktunaxa, to try and open up opportunities to enhance the exposure of other First Nations to forestry,” he noted.

With FESBC, Brian is looking forward to practicing forestry in an operational setting.

“It is an opportunity to be involved in implementing really cool forest management projects. And I’d like people to know that we are here to provide support and to do work that is complementary to what the government is already doing,” he said.

When not at work, Brian, who lives with his family on a farm outside of Cranbrook, ranches. In his free time, he is hoping to spend time lounging along Tribune Bay with family, and escape to Fruita, Colorado to ride PBR (Pumps Bumps Rollers), the famous mountain biking trail, with his buddies.

In addition to his love for forestry and ranching, Brian is passionate about playing hockey, coaching minor sports, mountain biking, sawmilling and walking the countryside with his Aussie Shepherd, Blue.

“With my work at FESBC, I am hoping to get out in the field more often, talk with more people, do good work that is meaningful and close to communities, and make a significant impact!”